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Investments & Redemptions


Investment orders are directly initiated on Spiko’s web platform. Investment orders can be paid for:

  • in fiat via a bank transfer. By default, orders on a given Fund should be settled in the base currency of this Fund, meaning in EUR for the EU T-Bills MMF and in USD for the US T-Bills MMF. However, we can provide you with a FX service upon request.
  • in stablecoins via a partnering digital asset service provider. Please contact us at for early access.

Once the Fund receives the cash corresponding to your investment, your tokens are minted on the wallet of your choice. This typically takes between 0 and 1 business days, depending on your bank.


Redemption orders require an on-chain transaction to the redemption smart contract. You can perform this transaction :

  • Using our web platform. You will be required to connect your wallet and sign the redemption request.
  • On your own (i.e. on-chain). Details on the transaction are provided below.

You can redeem your shares either:

  • in fiat via a transfer to your bank account,
  • in stablecoins via a partnering digital asset service provider (please contact us at for early access).

Redemptions usually take between 0 and 1 business days, depending on your bank.

On-chain redemptions

Redemption requests are done on-chain using the transferAndCall function of the smart contract of the token redeemed. You need to include a random salt in your redemption request:

transferAndCall(address RedemptionContractAddress,
uint256 AmountOfTokensRedeemed,
bytes abi.encode(address(0),
bytes32 salt)