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All fund activities can be publicly audited in real-time using the on-chain addresses of the smart contracts that govern them.

Shareholders' rights

All Funds are issued by the Spiko SICAV, a French legal entity.

Shareholders of the Funds can participate in the governance of the Spiko SICAV. Each USTBL and EUTBL token entitles their holder, on top of the ownership of the corporate assets and profits of the Funds, to:

  • the right to vote in the General Meeting of Shareholders of the Spiko SICAV, or to mandate another person to vote for them
  • the right to elect the members of the Board of Directors of the Spiko SICAV.

Please refer to the articles of incorporation of the Spiko SICAV for more details.

General Meeting of Shareholders

The annual General Meeting of Shareholders is held within four months of the year-end. Every shareholder has the right to attend, either in person or by proxy, the General Meeting of Shareholders upon providing proof of the ownership of their shares.

The General Meeting of Shareholders approves the Spiko SICAV financial statements. The General Meeting of Shareholders appoints the Directors of Spiko SICAV.

The General Meeting of Shareholders can decide to close a Fund. It can also decide to liquidate the whole Spiko SICAV.

Board of Directors


The SICAV is administered by a Board of Directors consisting of a minimum of three members and a maximum of eighteen. The Board of Directors meets twice a year.

The Board of Directors defines the strategic directions of the Spiko SICAV and oversees their execution. Apart from the powers expressly granted by French law to the General Meeting of Shareholders, the Board of Directors addresses any matters pertaining to the effective operation of the SICAV and resolves relevant affairs, through its deliberations. The Board of Directors can decide to issue a new sub-fund. The Board of Directors can convene an Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders.

Directors are appointed by the General Meeting of Shareholders.

Board members

To date, the Board of Spiko SICAV consists of the following seven members:

Paul-Adrien Hyppolite, CEO of SpikoPresident (1 vote)
Antoine Michon, COO of SpikoManaging director (1 vote)
Paul Frambot, CEO of Morpho LabsMember (1 vote)
Guillaume Garchery, former portfolio managerMember (1 vote)
Jean-Marc Jacobson, CEO of RealTMember (1 vote)
Pierre Person, CEO of UsualMember (1 vote)
Pablo Veyrat, CEO of Angle MoneyMember (1 vote)