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Our Funds only invest in extremely liquid financial instruments (short-term debt securities issued by government from Tier 1 countries). Moreover, the investment strategy of both Funds follows the following ruleset regarding liquidity:

  • The Funds keep an average maturity of its assets under 60 days, meaning that the portfolios are ultra short-term in terms of duration.
  • The minimum daily liquidity that the Funds keep is 7.5%. This implies that at least 7.5% of all assets held by the Funds will mature the following day.
  • The minimum weekly liquidity that the Funds keep is 15%. This implies that at least 15% of all assets held by the Funds will mature within the next week.
  • The maximum maturity of any asset in the Funds is less than 6 months.

The Funds' assets portfolio is published and updated daily on Spiko's website.